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Semaglutides Like Ozempic and Wegovy May Treat Alcohol Addiction

Alexander Singh
June 6, 2022

Semaglutide is a medication that resembles the hormone glucagon-like peptide-1 found in our body (GLP-1). This hormone is released right after a meal, which helps maintain the sugar level in the blood. This hormone signals the brain to curb appetite, which helps weight loss.

Another great benefit that semaglutides provides is that they provide help to people who have a drinking disorder. Many people have this disorder as they drink more for the buzz and less for relief, which means they drink more and more to get high. Semaglutides like Ozempic and wegovy may help to treat this drinking disorder by taking these drugs as a component of a thorough treatment program that may also include counseling and applications to keep track of their intake.

What Do These Weight Loss Drugs Do?

As we all know, the human brain is our body's leading operator, which signals all our body parts. The brain gives the signals that you are hurt or you feel lethargic. It also gives you the signals that you are hungry or not. These weight loss drugs don't directly impact body fats, but they help control appetite by feeling fuller, which automatically leads to weight loss. These drugs are designed to control blood sugar levels and, as a side effect, help you lose weight.

These weight loss drugs instantly activate and start working right after when you take food. These Drugs become more effective in weight loss when you start following your diet plan, which means eating healthy food and exercising daily. These drugs help you to change your unhealthy lifestyle if you are willing to do so.

How Can They Reduce Alcohol Consumption

Semaglutide proved itself to reduce alcohol consumption. It is a synthetic version of GLP-1. More recently, it has been demonstrated that the GLP-1 system contributes to the neurobiology of addictive behaviors, such as the desire for and use of alcohol. In a 2020 study on rats, scientists discovered that semaglutide and liraglutide—another GLP-1 analog used to treat diabetes and known to cause weight loss—led to both losses of appetite and ethanol intake. 

Liraglutide decreases alcohol's impact on the brain's dopamine production, according to a different study by Swedish researchers. This study may provide a solution. Because they no longer like drinking as much, people tend to drink less, which lowers their propensity to do so. 

Health Risks Of Alcoholism

If anyone takes a little too much alcohol, then once in a blue moon, then its damage is recoverable within a period, but if it's a habit, then it has severe side effects on health. Excessive consumption of alcohol can harm physically and mentally in lots of ways.

Liver Damage: Alcohol is a toxin, and your liver's role is to remove it from your system. But if you drink too much too quickly, your liver might be unable to keep up. Alcohol can damage liver cells and cause a scarring condition known as cirrhosis.

Heart Disease: Everyone knows about the danger of blood clots, high fats in the liver, and cholesterols in the body. Too much alcohol can make all of it more likely, which leads to severe heart attacks.

Brain and Nervous System Problems: Excessive drinking makes it harder for you to think, remember, or even decide properly. It may cause mental health issues like dementia and depression.

Anemia happens when the human body cannot generate healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen within the body. Ulcers, inflammation and other issues could result from that. A lack of iron in your diet might result from excessive alcohol, which may increase your likelihood of skipping meals.

Cancer: Heavy drinking and a variety of malignancies are related. Your mouth, throat, voice box, and esophagus are all vulnerable to the effects of alcohol. Your intestines, breast, and liver may develop cancer as a result. 

Seizures: Your risk of epilepsy may increase if you abuse alcohol for a long time. Seizures may also result from alcohol withdrawal following binge drinking.

Recent Studies

Through the experience of many people struggling with obesity and losing weight, they have also significantly lost interest in alcohol consumption. While this understanding is based on personal experiences, it is backed by recent studies. 

One recent study has shown that the element of GLP-1 that has Semaglutide offers up to 94% structural homology to the natural human GLP-1, which majorly helps reduce alcohol usage and consumption. However, as this study was conducted on mice, it can't be expected to be 100% sure and applicable to humans. 

Other Benefits of Semaglutide

While the utmost benefit of Semaglutide is to help you lose weight quicker than any other FDA-approved weight loss drug, it also offers several other benefits. The core benefit of the weight loss drug is to mainly help you lose stubborn fat without any severe side effects.

In addition to this, it also helps in maintaining the blood sugar levels in the body and also improves cholesterol levels, further mitigating the risks of heart diseases. When fighting all the crucial health issues in the human body, Semaglutide helps attain peaceful sleep, a fit body, and a healthy lifestyle. 

More Tips for Drinking Less

While some medicines and some weight loss drugs like Semagutide can help you give up your drinking habits, you can also try some valuable tips to achieve your desired results. The first thing is not to prioritize drinking and consider it the ultimate wind-down option after a tiring day. There are many ways to de-stress yourself, and you can look for healthier options to relax. 

You can also replace drinking with any other activity or even a healthier drinking option such as juice or any other supplement. Pausing and thinking about mindful drinking between each drink is also a good option for drinking less. 

Using a white wine glass can even help you drink less due to the size and style of the glasses. And finally, don't over-stress yourself regarding drinking too much or too little, as either way, you are likely to drink more by stressing too much.